📝Making changes to Dot

Adding features or changing things in the Dot Browser source code can be quite complex at first, so this doc should make it easier to understand.


We will assume you have cloned the source code and imported the patches already. If you haven't please read 🏗 Building Dot Browser.

Understanding the file structure




The src directory is where you should be editing files and making changes.


The common directory is used for importing files manually. Using the common directory makes more sense for copying new directories and files as you are not able to export a patch for a file that didn't exist to begin with.


The patches directory is where all the .patch files are dumped after you run ./melon export


The build directory is where the code for the melon build tool is. It also includes the manual-patches.ts file which is where you declare the manual patches in the common directory.


The configs directory contains all the build configs for each build target. You shouldn't need to worry about this directory.

Exporting patches for files that have been modified

If you have edited an existing file in the src directory you will need to export your file to the patches directory so it is available for everyone else as the src directory is never committed to source control.

To export the modified file as a patch file, run the following command:

./melon export

# or if you want to export an individual file
./melon export-file <file>

You will notice that the files you changed in the src directory will now have their own patch files in the patches directory.

For example, if you edited src/browser/app/profile/firefox.js it would create a file in the patches directory called browser-app-profile-firefox-js.patch.

You would then commit that patch file, either to your fork to open a PR or directly to the source code if you have the correct permissions.

You are now all done, your modifications to the source code have been saved! ✨

Creating manual patches for more advanced operations

You are not able to create a patch file for files that did not exist in the src directory to begin with.

An example of this is creating a new file or directory in src that didn't exist before. We can, however, use manual patches for this kind of thing.

If you open up build/manual-patches.ts in your code editor of choice you should see something like this:

import { IPatch } from "./interfaces/patch";

const manualPatches: IPatch[] = [
        name: "branding", // name of the manual patch
        action: "copy", // what action we want to do
        src: "browser/branding/dot" // this will copy common/browser/branding/dot to src/browser/branding/dot
        name: "dotui",
        action: "copy",
        src: [

export default manualPatches;

These are all manual patches that are being applied to the source code. If we take a look at the first manual patch we can see it is copying common/browser/branding/dot to src/browser/branding/dot. This is where the common directory comes in.

If we created a file in the common directory at the path browser/testing.txt and made a manual patch for this:

    name: "my new manual patch",
    action: "copy",
    src: "browser/testing.txt"

And then we ran ./melon rebuild to rebuild the manual patches structure.

And then ./melon import to import our patch files and our manual patches, you should see your my new manual patch appearing in the logs.

If you then went to src/browser in your file explorer, you should see testing.txt has been copied from common/browser/testing.txt to src/browser/testing.txt!

Now what happens if you want to edit src/browser/testing.txt? Would you have to update common/browser/testing.txt too? Nope!

When you edit src/browser/testing.txt if you run ./melon export it will automatically export the manual patches too and it copies your changes in src/browser/testing.txt to common/browser/testing.txt so everything is up to date.

And that is how manual patches work!

Last updated

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